Life Signs: a Photographic Exploration by Eileen Novack
November 16, – December 9,2023
Reception: Saturday, November 18, 5-7pm
Life Signs
Exploring the Visual Signs of Life
Distinguishing if a photograph is depicting something organic and alive would seem to be straightforward. Determining is relatively easy if we see a person or a well-known animal. However, if there is no such presence, what can be used as a visual clue?
Some visual clues can be one or a combination of line, color, texture, or shape.
Other clues might be more difficult to see if the image is not in color or in shadow. Repeating patterns are often associated with human created objects, but they are also very plentiful in nature as well. An image may show something that was alive in the past in some way, though it is not currently in that state.
Images in this series vary from the obviously not alive or even organic to more ambiguous and uncertain.
Eileen Novack
Has been an active photographer for the last thirteen years and a member of fotofoto gallery since 2019. Concentrating on studio photography exclusively. Her subjects of interest have been the common objects that surround us every day to light itself. She also has a keen interest in classical dramatic black and white portraits in the old Hollywood style.