“Faces of New York” and ArtSpace Patchogue Photographers in April

Spring is finally here – and so are some exciting new works from FotoFoto Gallery photographer Bruce Cohen.  “Faces of New York” is Bruce’s latest portfolio of images.  For fifty years Bruce Cohen has walked the streets of New York City taking photographs of the “faces” of New York.  From Inwood, to Lower  Manhattan, to Greenwich Village, to Chinatown, to Tribecca, to Dumbo, to Coney Island, and to the Battery, all was sacred photographic territory.  This exhibition is a compilation of photographs from the last two years.  Shot digitally in Black and White and done in the 19th century styles of platinum, tintype, palladium and daguerreotype, these new images take on a classic, vintage appearance.


The opening reception is Saturday, April 5th from 5pm to 7pm, it is free and open to the public.

Also in April is the second part of an incredible collaborative exhibit between FotoFoto Gallery and ArtSpace Patchogue – “Northwest Meets Southeast”.  Thirty photographers from the two galleries have works on display at host ArtSpace’s facility until April 4th.  Following the conclusion of “part I”, “part II” has FotoFoto reciprocating by playing host to the group of Patchogue photographers.

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So help say “goodbye” to winter and “hello” to spring by getting out, enjoying and supporting the photographic arts!