Join Ray Germann and Holly Gordon for a reception at fotofoto gallery on October 5th from 5 – 7pm. Exhibition runs from October 4 – 27, 2013.
Ray Germann, known for his exquisite black and white landscapes, unveils recent work. Many images have never been exhibited. Don’t miss this incredible collection.
While Holly Gordon’s art wiggles between impressionistic and digital darkroom futuristic, the twenty selected photographs on the walls of fotofoto gallery define moments of her past and present that were captured traditionally on a variety of Kodak films and printed digitally to look like the original slide or negative. This exhibition is a travel epic of the creative evolution of how Holly saw the world as well as it is a documentation of worldwide travel and includes the presence of Kodak around the globe! It’s a whale of a tale and there are whale photos too!
Her gallery talk Saturday, October 19th at 2:30pm will discuss using film in the digital age.
It is always a joy to hang and share photography with the public. Thank you for coming and to all the gallery artists who attended, I was so pleased to speak with you and see you there! Surprise conversations and sharing exhibition space with Ray Germann was special…and of course the cupcake sensation that Nicola Ingrassia created for my exhibit was a culinary and visual delight. She is on deck for my May exhibition, entitled TULIPS. I’m going to send some reception pictures to be posted as soon as I come down from Cloud 9…and Jeff Kapito, frequent visitor to fotofoto gallery included last night’s reception in his View From the Ledge blog today. Check it out and make his blog a daily read. More to follow and the exhibition is up through October 27th!